hi everyone who is still checking in... to those followers who will be updated.
im so sorry that it has been so very long since ive posted to this silly ole blog.
ive been distracted, distracted by love and life. arent we all i assume??
these days ive come to realize that the place i have been calling "home" for almost 6years truly is not and has never been home to me. ive made countless valuable connections with people while living here but this place has never fully stimulated me. i need more, more art, more creativity, more drive, ambition, more variety.
as ive been saying for some time now, im planning to move...question is where. i spend a lot of time in nyc visiting with various friends who have migrated from here to there. i love nyc, it energizes me, stimulates me and i feel surrounded by like minded people most of the time. my heart truly belongs to summer tho, which is why ive also contemplated the warmer climate of LA, echo park/silver lake areas. ive visited there once and fell in love. the weather, the culture, the food, the vintage, the venues, the mexican hipsters. all something to see and all things i could definitely surround myself with feeling content for quite some time.
i need to make my moves.
for now, i leave u darlings with some fashion photos ive been compiling over the months during my absence............
be kind, be humble and be compassionate. these things will get you far.

this one is my desktop at work