Friday, August 15, 2008

hi...that is all

just hi.
i've decided that there are a few things this summer.
first thing on my mind....
1. rhinstones on anything, especially t-shirts.....O-V-E-R

2. the olympics. i hate the competition of it all. i watched it the first day when they were introducing all of the many participating countries and it made me stark raving mad that the fucking announcers had to put their political two cents into it. I was ranting about this last night. It's like countries compete enough as it is,,,,they compete over religion, technology, resources. do we really need to also compete on who can do the most tricks on a 4 inch balance beam???
can you really imagine what it would be like to go to lunch with an olympian....the conversation would consist of how many breast strokes they do in one day. DAMN...if you want to succeed at something like that, you really need to let it consume your entire life....ick. not for me.
3. i havent really been going out too much, mostly because i have no interest in the nightlife of CT. i've mostly been having friends over, drinking wine, listening to records and playing taboo.
oh, and adding to the massive amounts of vintage clothing i own. my poor boyfriend feels like our entire apartment is MY closet.
HEY...i need lots of choices.
i will be selling some of my stuff soon though, for the fear of a panic attack due to eventually packing up and moving out of the state. i'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

LJ said...

erin my apartment is my closet too. the floor is a closet is a closet...the spare room is a closet...the laundry baskets...the dressers. i force kevin to hang his clothes on a rolling rack...