so... went to boston on saturday for an anti war conference. it made me feel rejuvenated, made me feel anger at the same time. this war has gone on for FIVE years now, FIVE, that's a serious thing. doesnt it make anyone crazy that the gas prices are rapidly reaching four dollars a gallon!!!!!!!! jesus. it makes me crazy, for every gallon of gas i could be purchasing a record from the flea market.
being at the conference made me think about my long long time icons. a product of two hippies, my parents had an extensive record collection when i was growing up; ranging from peter tosh to peter, paul and mary. my dad grew marijuana in the vegetable garden and since we lived in the middle of nowhere in NH no one cared. my mom was out protesting the vietnam war in washington and was skeptical about bringing children into a world that was NOT peaceful. i grew up on vegetables and carob chips. babysitters hated coming to our house because my mom had none of the token teenage junk food that teenagers live off of. i would listen to my dad belt out tunes on his harmonica and look for hours at various record covers. i had fashion icons then too and most of them are still the same now.....i figured that since i can be inspired by a movement,, that you can too.